Client Connector
About Enrolled Devices
Watch a video about enrolled devices.
This article reflects the updated user interface of the Zscaler Client Connector Portal. Contact Zscaler Support to enable this updated UI for your organization. To view the updated user interface, on the upper-right of the Zscaler Client Connector Portal page, click the Try New UI icon ().
From the Zscaler Client Connector Portal, you can view a list of enrolled devices, view device fingerprint information, and soft remove devices.
The Device Management page provides the following benefits:
- Create a custom view by filtering the list of enrolled devices and selecting the columns that display on the page.
- Find information quickly by performing an exact match search.
- Sort and capture data by exporting device details as a CSV file.
- Easily manage devices by soft removing devices.
About the Device Management Page
On the Device Management page (Enrolled Devices > Device Overview), you can do the following:
- Filter the list of enrolled devices with the following options:
- States: View devices that are identified as Registered, Unregistered, Removal Pending, Removed, or Quarantined. By default, all states except Removed are shown in the table. To learn more, see Device States for Enrolled Devices.
- OS: View devices for all operating systems or a specific operating system. By default, all operating systems are shown in the table.
- Active From: View devices active from 7 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, 120 Days, 150 Days, 180 Days, or Older than 180 Days.
- Soft remove selected devices from the Zscaler Client Connector by either clicking Delete from the Actions drop-down menu or clicking the Delete icon.
View a list of enrolled devices for your organization.
For each enrolled device, you can view these fields.
- User ID: The enrolled user for the device.
- OS Type: The device operating system.
- Device Model: The device model.
- Zscaler Client Connector Version: The Zscaler Client Connector version installed on the device.
- Device State: The status of the device. To learn more, see Device States for Enrolled Devices.
- Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) Version: The Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) version installed on the device.
- Zscaler Deception Version: The Deception version installed on the device.
- Unique-ID: The Zscaler-provided device's unique identifier.
- Hardware Fingerprint: The unique ID created from the device’s hardware, such as a serial number, BIOS ID, battery ID, etc.
- Configuration Download Count: The total number of times the app profile was updated on the device since enrollment.
- Tunnel Version: The last Zscaler Tunnel (Z-Tunnel) version the device connected with.
- Policy Name: The Zscaler Client Connector profile assigned to the device. To learn more, see About Zscaler Client Connector App Profiles.
- OS Version: The version of the operating system for the device.
- Machine Hostname: If Collect Machine Hostname Information is enabled, this field displays the machine hostname. When disabled, this field does not display the machine hostname.
- MAC Address: The device's media access control address.
- Manufacturer: The device's manufacturer.
- Owner: If Collect Device Owner Information is enabled, this field displays the device owner information. For Windows and macOS, this is the locally logged in user. For Android and iOS, this is the Zscaler Client Connector username. When disabled, this field does not display device owner information.
- Last Registration Time: The last time the user logged in to Zscaler Client Connector on the device.
- Keep Alive Time: The keepalive occurs every 80 minutes.
- Last Deregistration Time: The last time the user logged out of Zscaler Client Connector on the device.
- Last Configuration Download Time: The last time the Zscaler Client Connector profile was updated. To learn more, see Zscaler Client Connector Update Intervals.
- Last Seen with Client Connector Active: The last time that Zscaler Client Connector was active on the device.
- Last Seen Connected to ZIA: The last known date and time of connection to Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA).
- Zscaler Client Connector Revert Status: Statuses include Unknown, InProgress, PreviousBuildNotAvailable, RevertFailed, and RevertSuccess.
- Department: Department information synced from ZIA.
You can customize what you see on the screen. For details, refer to step 8.
- Select devices for soft removal from the Zscaler Client Connector Portal.
- Perform an exact match search of enrolled devices by:
- Users: View devices for all users or a specific user. Use the search function to find a specific user.
- Device ID: The unique ID for each device in the Zscaler Client Connector Portal database. The unique ID is generated for each new enrollment in the Zscaler Client Connector and continues for subsequent enrollments.
- UDID: The Unique Device Identifier that Zscaler Client Connector generates for every new installation. The same UDID continues during uninstalling, reinstalling, and rebooting of the devices. The UDID is unique to each user and device and changes from user to user for the same device.
- Machine Hostname: A name assigned to a device on a network. The end user or the operating system can customize the value.
- Hardware Fingerprint: The unique ID created from the device’s hardware, such as a serial number, BIOS ID, battery ID, etc.
- Zscaler Client Connector Version: The Zscaler Client Connector version installed on the devices.
- App Profile Name: A custom name that an administrator configures when creating or modifying app profiles for each OS (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.).
- Export the device fingerprint as a CSV file for all enrolled devices.
- Device Details (All Fields): Includes fields such as manufacturer, model, username, machine hostname, UDID, etc.
- Device Details (Custom Fields): Includes fields such as User, OS Type, Device Model, OS Version, and VPN State.
- Disable Reasons: Displays the reason a device is disabled.
- Service Status: The status of Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA), Zscaler Private Access (ZPA), and Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX). Can be in an On, Off, or Error state. This only applies if you have those services enabled for your organization.
- Partner Login Details: Includes partner device fields such as UDID, Platform, Device ID, login name, and cloud.
- View the device fingerprint for each enrolled device. You can also view the one-time password for each device.
- Create a custom view of the Device Management page by modifying the displayed columns and the number of rows.
- To modify the displayed columns:
- Click the Table Options icon. Verify that Columns is selected. Select the checkboxes of the fields you want to view on the page. Clear the checkboxes of fields you don't want to view on the page.
- To reorder columns, drag and drop the column name to the desired position.
- To modify the number of rows that appear, click the Rows per page drop-down menu and select either 50 or 100.
- To modify the displayed columns: