セキュアなプライベート アクセス(ZPA)

Scheduling Periodic Software Updates for a Private Cloud Controller Group

To schedule a periodic software update for a Private Cloud Controller group:

  1. Go to Configuration & Control > Business Continuity > Business Continuity Management > Private Cloud Controller Groups.
  2. In the table, locate the Private Cloud Controller group and click the Edit icon.
  3. In the Edit Private Cloud Controller Group window, under Private Cloud Controller Software Update Schedule, choose the day of the week and start time for the periodic update.

Scheduling the Periodic Software Update Schedule for the Private Cloud Controller Group

  1. Click Save.

To confirm that the update was scheduled, go to the Private Cloud Controller Groups page and verify that the proper day and time is displayed in the Next Periodic Software Update column.

Understanding Private Cloud Controller Software UpgradesScheduling Periodic Software Updates for a Private Cloud Controller GroupManually Updating Private Cloud Controller Software