セキュアなプライベート アクセス(ZPA)

Adding Backups Manually

You can back up and restore a set of policies and configuration settings, and save up to 10 backups. To learn more, see About Backup and Restore.

To add a backup:

  1. Go to Configuration & Control > Administration Control > Backup and Restore.
  2. Click Add Backup.
    The Add Backup window appears.
  3. In the Add Backup window:

    • Name: Enter a name to identify the backup.
    • Golden Backup: Enable this option if you want to set the backup as the golden backup. A golden backup is the last known good backup of the policies and configuration settings. There can be only one golden backup at any given point in time.
    • Description: (Optional) Enter additional notes or information.

  4. Click Save.

If the number of backups reaches a limit of 10, you cannot add a new backup manually without deleting an existing one.

After a backup is created manually or automatically, you can view a list of backups applied to the particular restore point by the admin, or you can view the post-restore reports for each individual backup. To learn more, see Viewing Restore Activities and Restore Reports.

About Backup and Restoreスケジュール済みバックアップ構成の作成バックアップからのポリシーと設定の復元復元アクティビティーと復元レポートの表示Adding Backups Manuallyバックアップの編集バックアップの削除